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A General Election is the process of voting for a person to represent your area – In our case its Bromley and Chislehurst in the UK Parliament, where they will debate and vote on laws for the whole country. The outcome of General Elections also decide the Government and Prime Minister.

General Elections are an opportunity for the public to elect a Member of Parliament. to represent their constituency in Parliament  Members of the public decide who to vote for by considering a number of factors including each political party’s manifestopromises, or the candidates themselves.

There are 650 Members of Parliament who make up the House of Commons, one for each of the UK’s 650 constituencies. General Elections also decide which party will become the Government and run the country, based on the party that wins at least 50% (325) of the constituencies in the UK.

General Elections take place every 5 years, although the Prime Minister can try to call an early election if they feel it is necessary ( Fixed Term Parliament Act ) The next one is due in 2024.

How Does It Affect Me?

General Elections have a huge impact on every citizen living in the UK, this is because they decide who forms the Government and who governs the country. As well as influencing the national political landscape, general elections also have an impact on local communities.

Who your MP is can have a big impact on what happens in your area. Some MPs can be really active and take part in activities such as campaigning for local causes, securing investment for the community, and raising constituents’ concerns in Parliament.  Other MPs may be more concerned with national issues and achieve huge changes on a country-wide scale. Many are a mix of the two. Choosing the right candidate for you is therefore important, not only should you ensure their political beliefs line up with your own, but you should consider what type of MP that person will be.

Governments decide things like:

  • What young adults and children learn in school
  • What taxes you will pay on what you earn and the products you buy
  • What levels of support you will receive from the state –  e.g. job seekers allowance, housing benefit etc
  • How much money will be given to the NHS, International Aid, and the Military
  • How the UK will be tackling climate change, extremism, and equality issues

By voting in the election you can support a candidate who will represent your views in parliament and can influence the policy issues you care about. An election is also your chance to speak out if you have a complaint about the way the country is being run. If you don’t vote, you’ll have had no say over who will be making decisions on the issues important to you.

Have your say in how our country is run – VOTE and make your voice heard!

Mike Jack

Chislehurst Matters

